The Gift of Language
How often do we stop to think of the gift of language? Without language we would be unable to communicate with one another. Without language there would not be a printed word. Without language there would be no alphabet. Without thought there would be no ideas to put onto paper in no language.
How significant is it that we have language? Without language we would never have heard the Word of God. It is no easy task to learn language even our own native tongues from infancy to adulthood and beyond. We take so much for granted even if we don't mean to be thoughtless. The routine of the gift we accept and expect is not even thought of as we communicate with one another.
How do we communicate with one another? Through the spoken word, the written word. How does God communicate with us? Through the Bible, His Written Word, through His ministers of The Word. The Lord God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit via a language we can understand.
To English speaking people, we hear Him in English. To Spanish speaking people, He is heard in Spanish. To Italian speaking people, He is heard in Italian and so forth and so on.
Language! Thank God for language. He is the Creator and He created - language. Down through the ages, because of the gift of language, history, religion, all learning has come to us through God's gift of language.
How do we personally use language? What language do we hear that helps us? What language do we hear that hurts us? What emits from our own mouths that helps us and others? What do we say that hurts or harms others or ourselves? Do we know when to speak, when to speak up, and when not to speak? Do we know when to hold our tongues? Do we know when to bite our tongues?
Do we read what the Lord would have us read? Do we read the Bible?
Do we encourage others by reading and laughing at the off-color jokes they send ? Do we read magazines and books that demean the human being and the human spirit? Do we read sensational headlines and buy those periodicals in the supermarket check-out areas? Do we read and fall for the enticements published to get our money? Do we seek out, view and read what is lascivious via internet, books, movies, or actual places where things like this take place?
We can see that ill-used language can be for our disgrace.
These questions are intended for taking personal stock of ourselves. Since God created all language, ought we not to revere Him, respect Him, love Him and serve Him by keeping good tabs on ourselves and those He has placed in our charge? Ought we not to guard our eyes to see and read all that is wholesome and good? Ought we not make our opinions known even if it is unpopular? Ought we not take a stand when it is called for? Ought we not do everything we can for our children and children's children to guard them from all, as much as possible, that can harm them, and instead provide them with what will nourish their minds, good and wholesome books, television and movies. Of course we should.
The language of much of our newspapers is sensationalism enhancing the negative so much so that it permeates the mind and soul after reading much of it. How much better is a person for having read of street crimes, wars, rumors of more wars, devastation, etc.? Granted, we need to know what is going on but we also need to feed our minds with what is of God and we can pray for those who suffer because of the evil visiting them, taking the lives of loved ones, ravaging storms destroying homes and lives. Aside from supporting those we can with charitable contributions, our help where and when feasible, we can be mindful of them in prayer and care continually.
We don't want to say a prayer and put it or them away and say we did our part. It is imperative to continue to pray for our besieged brothers and sisters worldwide for do we not all bleed the same, hurt the same, cry the same?
Coming back to language, each is understood in their own native tongue. We pray for the ministering people who tend to the forgotten, the lost, the homeless, the hurting, the wounded, the ill, the dying all over the world, those who have learned a foreign tongue and gone to help. We pray for them and for those to whom they tend. Again without language, there would be a monumental disadvantage suffered.
Let us become a little more aware of this gift of language, for instance, here, where I may write a few words now and then, where I am able to read messages that come across my own screen from you, from others, from our sisters and brothers in our beloved prayer groups.
Let us take language and the gift of it a little less for granted. Let us be mindful of the great gift it actually is. Thank you, Father. Thank you and Praise you for this grand gift. I cannot even imagine how great a gift language is. As I think about it, what more fruitful, beautiful and inspirational language is there than the language of love our Father has given us.
Let's think about it !
© Mel Patterson, 3-19-07
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